Changes in this version
New Yugioh cards
- Clash of Rebellions OCG
- Crossed Souls TCG
- Prerelease
- Collectors Pack: Duelist of Destiny Version
- Structure Deck: Master of Pendulum
- Duelist Pack: Battle City
- 20th Legendary Collection
Changes to Ygopro
- Updated to latest build
- As requested: Increased card lore max characters
- As requested: Text alignment has returned and is now optional.
Set alignment_fix = 1 to use the old alignment - Minized Ygopro window flashes when a player joins your game (Windows only)
- Added update download progress indication (Windows only)
Changes to the card database (credits to RaiZZZ19,Zocom7,marik)
- Updated card names
- Updated card lores
Changes to AI
- AI engine version 0.8.8 and is now called [AI]Impulse
- Added ability to go second
- Scripts version 0.29 (by Snarky)
- New deck Spellbook (by Yeon & Satone)
- New deck X-Saber (by rothayz)
Known issues
- Card lore scrolling can be glitchy
- Some images might not match the card name
- Replays from previous versions will not work
- AI mode does not produce replays
New Yugioh cards
Aether, the Wicked Empowering Dragon
Antithesis Magician
Aroma Garden
Aroma Pot
Aromage - Bergamot
Aromage - Cananga
Aromage - Jasmine
Aromage - Rosemary
Bad Reaction?
Barrier Bubble
Bird of Paradise Lost
Black Metal Dragon
Black Skull Archfiend Dragon
Brilliant Fusion
Brilliant Spark
Cards of the Red
Chicken Race
Crystal Rose
D/D Pandora
D/D/D Oracle Overlord D'Arc
D/D/D Sniping Overlord Tell
Dark Magician
Deskbot 005
Dragodeus, the Empowered Warrior
Dragoknight Luster Pendulum
Dragonox, the Empowered Warrior
Dwarf Star Dragon Planetar
Eccentric Archfiend
Empowering Armory
Explosive Dragoknight Ignister Prominence
Extra Buck
Ferret Firestorm
Fluffal Mouse
Geargia Change
Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond
Igknight Avenger
Igknight Burst
Igknight Caliber
Igknight Dragunov
Igknight Eagle
Igknight Magnum
Igknight Musket
Igknight Riot
Igknight Stinger
Ignition Phoenix
Infernoid Dekatron
Infernoid Tierra
Insight Magician
Judgment Scales
Lightsworn Judgment
Lone Reinforcement
Magical Abductor
Minerva, Lightsworn Saint
Mythic Shell Dragon
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon
Opera the Melodious Diva
Parching Wind
Performage Damajuggler
Performage Flameater
Performage Hatricker
Performage Stiltshooter
Performage Trapeze Magician
Performage Tricklown
Performapal Drumming Kong
Performapal Lacoodown
Protector of the Shrine
Raidraptor - Fuzzy Lanius
Raidraptor - Return
Raidraptor - Singing Lanius
Rank-Up-Magic Raptor's Force
Raptor's Gust
Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning
Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon
Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon
Red-Eyes Fusion
Refreshing Wind
Return of Red-Eyes
Risebell the Summoner
Storming Mirror Force
Superheavy Samurai Torch
Swaying Gaze
Synthesis Magician
Tam-tam the Melodious Diva
The Black Stone of Legend
Toon Cyber Dragon
Trick Box
Void Dream
Wicked Machine Ark Makina
Wrongful Arrest
Antithesis Magician
Aroma Garden
Aroma Pot
Aromage - Bergamot
Aromage - Cananga
Aromage - Jasmine
Aromage - Rosemary
Bad Reaction?
Barrier Bubble
Bird of Paradise Lost
Black Metal Dragon
Black Skull Archfiend Dragon
Brilliant Fusion
Brilliant Spark
Cards of the Red
Chicken Race
Crystal Rose
D/D Pandora
D/D/D Oracle Overlord D'Arc
D/D/D Sniping Overlord Tell
Dark Magician
Deskbot 005
Dragodeus, the Empowered Warrior
Dragoknight Luster Pendulum
Dragonox, the Empowered Warrior
Dwarf Star Dragon Planetar
Eccentric Archfiend
Empowering Armory
Explosive Dragoknight Ignister Prominence
Extra Buck
Ferret Firestorm
Fluffal Mouse
Geargia Change
Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond
Igknight Avenger
Igknight Burst
Igknight Caliber
Igknight Dragunov
Igknight Eagle
Igknight Magnum
Igknight Musket
Igknight Riot
Igknight Stinger
Ignition Phoenix
Infernoid Dekatron
Infernoid Tierra
Insight Magician
Judgment Scales
Lightsworn Judgment
Lone Reinforcement
Magical Abductor
Minerva, Lightsworn Saint
Mythic Shell Dragon
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon
Opera the Melodious Diva
Parching Wind
Performage Damajuggler
Performage Flameater
Performage Hatricker
Performage Stiltshooter
Performage Trapeze Magician
Performage Tricklown
Performapal Drumming Kong
Performapal Lacoodown
Protector of the Shrine
Raidraptor - Fuzzy Lanius
Raidraptor - Return
Raidraptor - Singing Lanius
Rank-Up-Magic Raptor's Force
Raptor's Gust
Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning
Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon
Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon
Red-Eyes Fusion
Refreshing Wind
Return of Red-Eyes
Risebell the Summoner
Storming Mirror Force
Superheavy Samurai Torch
Swaying Gaze
Synthesis Magician
Tam-tam the Melodious Diva
The Black Stone of Legend
Toon Cyber Dragon
Trick Box
Void Dream
Wicked Machine Ark Makina
Wrongful Arrest